"The History of Fisher & Norris" Book + Anvil

Regular price $1,100.00

Limited edition anvil + book! Only twenty-two of these 12 lb bronze anvils will ever be available to the public. The pattern for the anvil was adapted from an original Fisher & Norris pattern, and built by the author and current owner of Fisher & Norris. These anvils are numbered and will only be sold with the same-numbered book. All books are signed by the author.

As of July 2024, numbers 19 and 20 through 23 are still available. 

This pattern is now retired and no additional anvils will ever be made from this pattern. These bronze Fisher & Norris anvils are the first anvils made since 1979 by the legal owner of Fisher & Norris. They are unique.

Domestic shipping is included.

376 pages ∙ Full Color ∙ Hardcover

Available now, this book details the history of Fisher & Norris from the 1800s to the present day, through images of their products, explanations of the technologies they developed, and stories of the individuals involved. This intriguing story includes connections to many turning points in American history, and is the first time that a comprehensive account of this company has been compiled in such meticulous detail. All copies are signed and numbered.

“Anyone who takes delight in the American history of industry will love this book.” –Don Plummer

Bronze casting
12 lb.
Face = 2" x 5½"
Height = 4"
Overall length = 8¾"
Hardy hole = ½"
Pritchel hole = ¼"
Finished and stamped by Joshua A. Kavett